12 x 20mins Yoga Nidra


- 12 x 20mins Yoga Nidra -

- Are you ready to give yourself some space? -

Christmas can be extremely heavy. Honestly, we tend to put so much pressure on ourselves during this festivity periods. To make the holidays go storybook perfect. To make beautiful memories, and cozy traditions. To make that perfect meal for your family and guests, if you are brave enough to host a party that is! To get that perfect gifts (while not over spending! )

Don't get me wrong, I love festivity periods, especially Christmas! I love it when my E&E @ethannevelyn get all super excited about it too. They've been helping me out with the Christmas Tree decorations, and giving me endless list after list of suggestions of what to have at our little family Christmas Dinner. They are so so sweet. I love them to bits, but I also love my little space of peace moments as well.

30 Days Access - 12 x 20mins Yoga Nidra Series

So I've created this Yoga Nidra Series to help you get through your holiday. Finding just 20mins per day of your time will help you regather your thoughts, reconnecting with your mind - finding a little space to breathe, bringing back peace and calmness into your life.

It's not easy, but I hope to help you bring back happiness back to your festivity. When you are happy, you'll have that happy aura surround you, that array of sunshine surrounding you everywhere you go. So to put it simply - don't be a Grinch over this Christmas


What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the "going-to-sleep" stage, typically induced by a guided meditation. There is evidence that yoga nidra helps relieve stress.

What happens in yoga nidra?

Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation, a method of Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses) that allows you to scan the body and tap into a state of relaxed consciousness as the mind settles in a place between wakefulness and sleep.

How often should you do Yoga Nidra?

Nidra means a relaxed state of mind but when we add awareness to it, it becomes Yoga Nidra. Regular practice (daily to several times per week) is strongly recommended if you want to reap the benefits.

What are the Benefits of Yoga Nidra?

  • You’ll Feel Rested: Yoga Nidra Improves Sleep and Reduces Insomnia

  • Yoga Nidra Reduces Stress & Anxiety

  • Your Body Has An Opportunity to Heal: Yoga Nidra Slows Down Your Brain Waves

  • Yoga Nidra Can Help Heal Trauma

  • Yoga Nidra Reduces Chronic Pain

  • Connect with Yourself

  • Reduces PMS Symptoms

There have actually been a handful of studies on the efficacy of yoga nidra’s ability to reduce PMS symptoms. According to one recent study, “… patients with menstrual irregularities having psychological problems improved significantly in the areas of their wellbeing, anxiety and depression by learning and applying a program based on Yogic intervention (Yoga Nidra).”

So if you’re feeling low energy, anxious, depressed, or irritable carve out a little time for yoga nidra. When aunt “Flow” is in town, I’ve found it to be super beneficial. I’m less agitated, my energy improves, and I’m overall more “even” emotionally.

  • Reduces Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

The benefits of yoga nidra and other deep relaxation practices may even extend to those with type 2 diabetes. According to a recent Huffington Post article, “A recent study published in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology found yoga nidra may reduce the symptoms of diabetes and help control blood glucose levels.”

- Are you ready to make space? -

This Yoga Nidra series will be available on my Ignite InnerStrength App. So you can reply it as many times as you wishes to during your 30 days access!

Members will get...

Bonus #1 – FREE Nutrition Guide Booklet

Bonus #2 – FREE Meditation Toolkits

Bonus #3 – Access to all your 12 x 20mins Yoga Nidra Series on my App anywhere, anytime for 30 days!

Got any questions? Get in touch!

email me: hello@suchanprasongyoga.com

WhatsApp me: (+44) 07400 120 847

Order yours today for just £29! Let there be peace & love this Christmas!

Love & light,
Su x